土曜日, 4月 28, 2012

Vitra|ヴィトラ「Tip Ton」


バーバー・オズカビーの革新的プロダクト「Tip Ton」



金曜日, 4月 27, 2012





水曜日, 4月 25, 2012

“村上春樹的 逆襲のシャア(前編)

面白い。やれやれ。 / “村上春樹的 逆襲のシャア(前編) ニュー速VIP底辺。・゚・(ノД`)・
゚・。” htn.to/J81EDq

月曜日, 4月 23, 2012


「女習さそり」ですな。 / “本来は「ゴムなしのセックスは毒サソリとヤるのと同じだぞ」
なんか、ときめくものがあるよね - img.lyhtn.to/HQouom

日曜日, 4月 22, 2012


うちのマンションの隣の公園のベンチで女子高生がセックスしてる : 無題のドキュメント” htn.to/m2wsoS

木曜日, 4月 19, 2012

火曜日, 4月 17, 2012

月曜日, 4月 16, 2012

katemoss MY MOOD / February 12, 2012 PRINCE PETER


金曜日, 4月 13, 2012

@NiceMotorcycle SMILE ROCK RIDE

カッコエエ本出てます,中身も◎,新型H-D一切無し,あたり前田のクラッカー,1969年サウスカリフォルニア,全てが絵になる,激ヤバ,SMILE ROCK RIDE pic.twitter.com/8D27q4v5

木曜日, 4月 12, 2012


毒ヘビが毒ヘビ噛まれると死ぬ? マムシ、怖いですよね ヒィー(((゚Д゚)))マムシコワイヨッ! なぜなら毒ヘビだからです。 噛まれたら迅速に治療しないと死んじゃうからです。 では、マムシがマムシに噛まれたら、 やはり死んじゃうのでしょうか?
■マムシ vs マムシ マムシがマムシに噛まれると死ぬのか? 結論から言うと、死にません。 なぜなら、 ・マムシの体内にはマムシ毒に対する免疫がある からです。納得。
■全くヘッチャラなわけではない でも、一時的にかなり弱ります。 いくら免疫があるとはいえ毒を盛られた?わけなので、 かなりのダメージを受けるわけですが、 免疫のおかげでしばらくすると回復します。
■マムシ vs 毒ヘビ(マムシじゃない) では、マムシが違う毒ヘビに噛まれたらどうなる? 結論から言うと、死にます。 毒に対する免疫を持ってるのに何で? って事になりますが、なぜ死ぬのかというと、 ・マムシが持ってる免疫はマムシ毒に対するもの ・他の毒ヘビの免疫を持ってるわけではない つまり、同種の毒ヘビに噛まれても大丈夫だけど、 異種の毒ヘビの毒に対する免疫は持っていないので、死んじゃうわけです。
■まとめると・・・ つまりまとめると、 ・同種の毒ヘビ同士なら、噛まれても死なない ・異種の毒ヘビ同士だと、噛まれたら死ぬ って事です。
■コブラ vs コブラ しかし、例外も存在します。 コブラです。 見るからに強そうなあのコブラです。 プロレスの技にもなってるあのコブラです。 クビの部分がピャーって拡がったあのコブラです。 コブラがコブラに噛まれたら死にます。 もちろん、コブラはコブラ毒に対する免疫を持ってます。 では回復するんじゃないの? と思われるかもしれません。 しかし、死んじゃうんです。 何故か? それは、 ・コブラの毒が強すぎるから! コブラの毒が強すぎて、 コブラ毒免疫だけでは太刀打ち出来ないって事なんです。 恐ろしやコブラ! 以上。 http://rapanda.net/1763.html

火曜日, 4月 10, 2012



日曜日, 4月 08, 2012



の隠しコマンド全部見せます! バッテリ寿命がのびるコマンドもアリ

土曜日, 4月 07, 2012



On the Wall: Kurt Cobain|Jesse Frohman

On the Wall: Kurt Cobain by Jesse Frohman 

To mark the eighteenth anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death, the Morrison Hotel Gallery in New York City has put up some of the last professional photographs ever taken of the grunge icon just five months before he died—the first time this body of work will be shown as an exhibition. We caught up with celebrity and still life photographer Jesse Frohman for the back story on the iconic photo shoot that immortalized the last days of the musician.

Tell me how this shoot transpired.

**Jesse Frohman: **I was commissioned by The Sunday Times magazine of London to shoot Nirvana. They were going to be in New York performing at the Roseland [Ballroom]. This was at the end of '93, about five months before he [Cobain] died. The shoot was scheduled to take five hours and I had a location set up in advance. But when I arrived at the hotel I was told by his manager that I had to nix all the plans. We would have only a small window of opportunity to shoot him and the shoot would have to take place in the [Omni] hotel. This had happened before with celebrities, but we didn't think it would be so short. We thought we would have a couple hours, but by the time he came down from his room we only had about 20 minutes. There was a lot of waiting and then it was a 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' kind of shoot. Then I was invited to Roseland and took a few more shots at their rehearsal and concert.

Were you concerned you wouldn't be able to capture him with the time constraint?

I felt like I did the best I could do with what I had. When I looked at the film the next day, I realized I had a real gem. It was a blessing that they cancelled the location. The [shots] wouldn't have been as iconic had I stuck with the original locations I had picked.

What was your experience of Kurt Cobain as subject?

It was the first time I had met him. The other guys [Nirvana] had showed up on time—and Kurt came down about three hours late. He was really stoned. He was oddly very aware and present and out-of-it at the same time. He was very friendly and expressive. He let me do whatever I wanted to do. He was very comfortable and relaxed (obviously). He was very easy to photograph—he was so open and not worried about what he looked like.

It doesn't sound like the conditions of the shoot were favorable.

Once in a while you get a shoot that just works out as if there is magic in the air. This was one of those shoots. I was planning for a location shoot, so I had all my equipment, but something told me before I left to throw a seamless and lights in the van. So I was fine to set up a studio in the [hotel] conference room. Even though I was pressured to get pictures in 20 minutes, believe it or not, in those 20 minutes I took my time. I only shot about 6 or 7 rolls of film.

Did you work with a stylist on this shoot?

Sometimes I work with one because some bands need it or some bands request it. But I've always preferred to do my portraits with people as they are. I've done a lot of celebrity photography [with hair and makeup] but for this kind of thing, we didn't use a stylist. He [Cobain] brought the sunglasses and hat himself. That's all the fashion he needed.

How do you feel now that these images have become so iconic (in part) because of Cobain's subsequent death?

I am very appreciative to Kurt. I owe it all to him. I think all shoots are a collaboration. It was one of those odd collaborations for sure (because of the condition he was in) but it was a wonderful collaboration nonetheless. He and the other band members were very easy to be with. I was very surprised that these pictures became as famous as they did.
Right after his death, many publications approached me but no one ran my pictures as a cover because he was wearing sunglasses. So I never thought there was real value for the shots. But in the last eight years I've made them available for collections and exhibitions.

Much of your early photographic training came from assisting Irving Penn. How would you describe his influence on your photographic style?

I definitely learned how to take a portrait once I met him. The biggest thing I learned from Penn is how to see—and that is by no small measure something you can learn anywhere. It was on every level: technical; how to see light; how to see form; and what makes a good picture. Once I got that in my blood, I was able to recognize when I have the shot, when I have something special. I know when I am done. I learned things that I couldn't have learned anywhere else. He was a true master [Penn]. I don't think my work is anything like his. If anything, my work is more akin to Richard Avedon's [portraiture]. I think only Penn could do Penn—and anyone who tries to do Penn usually fails miserably.

月曜日, 4月 02, 2012



日曜日, 4月 01, 2012