月曜日, 10月 17, 2016












Nonlinear spin control by terahertz-driven anisotropy fields


Future information technologies, such as ultrafast data recording, quantum computation or spintronics, call for ever faster spin control by light1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Intense terahertz pulses can couple to spins on the intrinsic energy scale of magnetic excitations5, 11. Here, we explore a novel electric dipole-mediated mechanism of nonlinear terahertz-spin coupling that is much stronger than linear Zeeman coupling to the terahertz magnetic field5, 10. Using the prototypical antiferromagnet thulium orthoferrite (TmFeO3), we demonstrate that resonant terahertz pumping of electronic orbital transitions modifies the magnetic anisotropy for ordered Fe3+ spins and triggers large-amplitude coherent spin oscillations. This mechanism is inherently nonlinear, it can be tailored by spectral shaping of the terahertz waveforms and its efficiency outperforms the Zeeman torque by an order of magnitude. Because orbital states govern the magnetic anisotropy in all transition-metal oxides, the demonstrated control scheme is expected to be applicable to many magnetic materials.


a, Spin and lattice structure of TmFeO3 shown in the Γ24 phase. Green/blue spheres: Tm3+/Fe3+ ions. Oxygen atoms are not shown, for clarity. The iron spins (blue arrows) form two antiferromagnetically coupled sublattices M1 and M2, which are mutually canted by the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction, giving rise to a weak ferromagnetic moment F = M1 + M2. In the Γ24 phase (that is, for 80 K < T < 90 K), the antiferromagnetic vector G = M1 − M2 encloses a finite angle 0° < θ0 < 90° with the x axis. b, Spin reorientation phase transitions. In the Γ2 phase (T < 80 K), the antiferromagnetic vector G is aligned along the crystallographic z axis, whereas it lies along the x axis above T = 90 K (Γ4 phase). In the Γ24 phase, G rotates continuously in the x–z plane. c, The crystal field splits the ground state 3H6 of the rare-earth Tm3+ ions into several energy levels with an energy spacing of ∼1–10 meV (schematic level scheme). The corresponding orbital wavefunctions set the magnetic anisotropy for the iron spins in thermal equilibrium (upper panel). Ultrafast transitions between these energy levels resonantly induced by terahertz pulses should exert an abrupt torque on the spins and act as an efficient trigger for coherent spin dynamics (lower panel). The small canting angle is not shown, for clarity.


a, Electro-optically detected terahertz transients used to excite magnon/Tm3+ resonances in TmFeO3. b, Amplitude spectrum of the waveform shown in a. Arrows indicate the frequencies of the magnon/Tm3+ resonances. c, Schematic of the experiment. The terahertz pump (red) and near-infrared probe pulses (NIR, blue) are collinearly focused onto the TmFeO3 sample with variable delay time t. Using a λ/2 plate, a Wollaston prism and two balanced photodiodes, terahertz-induced magnetic dynamics in TmFeO3 are measured by polarization rotation of the probe pulses. d, Resonance frequencies of the q-FM (red circles) and q-AFM (blue triangles) modes in dependence on sample temperature T. Black curves are guides to the eye.


  source: Nature