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you’re with a new partner or in a long-term relationship, it’s
important to keep things exciting in the bedroom - but where do you
start? Mix up your sex positions of course!
couple has their favourite tried and tested sex positions which work
for them, but every now and again it's fun to mix things up a little and
try something new.
Varying the sexual
positions you try can bring a whole new element to your sex life, and
there are plenty of different positions you can try.
missionary position gets a bad reputation but there are plenty of
different ways you can add a bit of spice to the old classic and that’s
before you get to the reverse cowgirl or the edge of heaven…
trying new sex positions it’s important to talk about it beforehand and
trust the person you’re trying them with - and to approach it with a
sense of humour. It might go wrong but that’s half the fun!
each position we have clearly explained how to reenact it in the safest
way - and we’ll tell you exactly what spot it’s going to hit. Want
deeper penetration or more clitoral stimulation? Our jargon-free
explanations will help you select the sex position that will answer all
your needs.
If you’re looking for a new sex challenge, why not work your way through all 40? We’d love to hear which one is your favourite.
Have fun!
The Sultry Saddle
Great for...
If you want to try something new, sideways sex is a great place to start! How does it work?
lies down with his knees bent and legs apart, and you sort of slot in
the middle at right angles to his body. With one hand on his chest, and
the other on his lower leg, rock back and forth until he's hitting the
right spot. The turn ons
It's all about you and you can wiggle around until it feels just right. The turn offs
It might take a bit of practice to get it right, but hey, who's complaining? Difficulty rating 2/5
It can take a while to get the positioning just right. Fun rating 3/5
If the trickiness doesn't slow down your fun - it's a winner! You say: 'Excellent position. You have to try it'
The Squat
Great for...
You. Gives you the most amazing sensation. How does it work?
simply, he lies on the bed and you squat on top of him. Yup, that's it.
Then you raise yourself up and down on him, leaning on the bed, his
hands or his chest. The turn-ons
This will stimulate you in ways you never thought possible. The turn-offs
look pretty stupid and you have keep your balance and make sure you
don't tip forward - that could be rather painful for him. You say: 'This position rocks - my boyfriend loves it too'
Face to face
Great for...
Slow, relaxing sex How does it work?
basically sit opposite each other and then you slide into his lap and
sit on top of him. You then join your legs behind him and he put his
feet together to provide a kind of cradle for you. You then just rock on
him. The turn-ons
This often produces a simultaneous orgasm, as you both build up together to climax. The turn-offs
It may be a bit tame and slow for some people. You say: 'My partner and I tried this in the bath'
Standing up
Great for...
Hitting your G-spot How does it work?
turn to face the wall, stand around two feet away and stick your bum
out a little. He then enters you. Possibly bending his knees to make it
easier for access. The turn-ons:
You get to thrust backwards using the wall and it's a whole lot easier than doing it standing up face-to-face The turn-offs:
You've got to stand up... which in itself is possibly a turn-off, as it involves more effort than normal Add a sex toy: Using a clitoral vibrator in this position will increase the chances of orgasm for her.
The Scissors
Great for... Intimate sex How does it work?
Easy to do, complicated to explain. So you lie facing each other and
put your top leg over his hip. He grabs your bum and then you out your
arm round his waist and push your bottom leg against his leg. The turn-ons
You'll be rubbing your clitoral area on his groin and you get to kiss each other. The turn-offs
A little boring and pedestrian for some. You say: 'It's not visually exciting but physically it's amazing'
The Spider
Great for...
Long slow intercourse How does it work?
with her sitting facing and astride him. The the woman lies back,
followed by the man until each partner's head in between the other's
legs. Then each partner can bring their knees up and hold onto the
other's legs. Now all you need to do is slow, wiggling movements to keep
each other aroused for a long time. The turn-ons
This is a very lazy, enjoyable position that can keep you happy for a long time The turn-offs
There's not a lot of action and movement, which could be boring for some
Woman on top
Great for...
Both of you How does it work?
the man to lay down on the bed with his legs out in front of him. Now
climb on top like a cowgirl and let him penetrate you. You can then lean
back and hold onto his ankles or knees if he lifts them up. You can now
control the pace now and also tease him. The turn-ons
He'll love it, because the view is great and you should like it because you're in charge The turn-offs
You have to do all the work. Also, some women find that the deep penetration can hurt if their partner is quite large.
Speed bump
Great for...
Fast and passionate sex How does it work?
lie out flat on your stomach with a cushion under your belly and pelvic
area. He lies on top of you, you spread your legs and he enters you,
you'll be orgasming for England before you know it! The turn ons
It's a great position for a quickie as things can get quite fast and furious. The turn offs
The skin-to-skin contact can mean you get a bit on the sweaty side, and it's not the most romantic of positions. Difficulty rating: 2/5
You just lie down with your face in the pillow - he goes for it Fun rating: 2/5
Your man will probably enjoy it a bit more than you, but worth a go all the same! You say: 'It's the easiest way to reach orgasm'
The Manhandle Her
Great for:
You - he gets to play with you in all the right places. How does it work?
beds needed for this one - you can try it anywhere in the house,
although you might want to be near a wall for balance. Stand in front of
him and get yourself into a position where it's easy for him to enter
you from behind (you might need to bend forward to start with) and then
slowly straighten up, ensuring his penis stays in you.If you find it
awkward, then you can stay leaning forwards, in which case he can still
hold onto you.Then when you're both ready, he can start thrusting -
there's not a whole lot you need to do except lean back and enjoy
yourself! The turn-ons:
you tend to achieve a better orgasm from multiple areas of stimulation
then this one is for you as he can rub your breasts and clitoris at the
same time. The turn-offs:
Keeping your balance Difficulty rating: 2/5
Nice 'n' easy unless you're completely different heights. Fun rating: 4/5
Perfect for those moments when you want to have sex right now You say: 'This is really good in the bath or shower'
Edge of Heaven
Great for...
Female orgasm How does it work?
man sits on the edge of the bed, with his legs down on the floor. Then
you shuffle into his lap and onto him, with your legs resting on the
bed, while he either holds your hands to stop you tipping backwards. Now
you can start moving as fast or as slowly as you want. The turn-ons:
You get very deep penetration and he gets to do most of the work, while you jiggle about on top. The turn-offs:
Be careful you don't tip over!
Sexy Spoons
Great for...
Slow, intimate sex. How does it work?
You lie in bed on your side. He spoons you from behind, entering you slowly to make bedtime cuddles that bit more interesting. The turn-ons
You feel really close and intimate, as well as getting an amazing orgasm! The turn-offs
It can be a bit awkward at first, but stick with it. Difficulty rating: 2/5
Super-easy - once again he does all the work. Hooray! Fun rating: 4/5
Whether you like it fast or slow, this position is a definite winner. You say: 'Perfect for a lazy Sunday morning and surprisingly sexy, as well'
Corridor Canoodling
Great for... A quickie in the afternoon. How does it work?
Find an area at home where two walls are really close together like a
corridor or in the bathroom. He leans against one wall and shuffles down
so he's in a sitting position with his feet pushed against the other
wall/ bath.You then climb on top of him with his legs supporting your
whole weight and let your feet dangle either side. You then go for it
like you would in a sitting position thrusting back and forth on top of
him. The turn-ons: It's perfect for exciting, spontaneous sex when you just have to have each other! The turn-offs:
He'll need a lot of strength in his legs to hold the position for the
duration and it might take you a little while to get the hang of it. Difficulty rating: 4/5 It is one of our trickier positions, but it's definitely worth it when you get it right. Fun rating: 3/5
The excitement of being pushed up against a wall will really get you both going. You say: 'This one rocks. We love doing it in the bathroom'
The Galloping Horse
Great for... Both of you How does it work?
The man sits on a chair with his legs outstretched in front of him. You
climb aboard and stretch your legs out straight behind him. He clings
onto your arms and you lean back holding on to him for support. You're
in control, so then push back and forth on top of him as fast or as slow
as you like. The turn-ons: He gets a good view and you get deep penetration. The turn-offs: It might be uncomfortable for you to keep your legs stretched out for any length of time You say: 'This one got the thumbs up - very comfortable and it really hit my G-spot '
The Good Spread
Great for... Mind-blowing sex with you in the driver's seat. How does it work?
Get your man to lie flat on his back, then climb on top of him and
slowly start to spread your legs out as far as you can get them. Then
place your hands on his chest and rock back and forth. The turn-ons: The wider apart you get your legs, the deeper the penetration will be - good news for you and your man. The turn-offs: The stretch on your legs can start to hurt after a while. Difficulty rating: 3/5
You might need to do a bit of limbering up first! Fun rating: 4/5 Who doesn't enjoy being in charge? You say: 'This is one of the best sex positions as it helps to feel her cervix and the deeper feeling of penetration indeed '
Kneeling Fox
Great for... Deep penetration. How does it work? You get on your hands and knees and lean forward on your arms. He kneels, grabs hold of your waist and enters you from behind. The turn-ons: Most men loves the thrill of a 'doggy-style' position so this is bound to get him going. The turn-offs: You don't get to look at each other and you can't kiss so it's not the most intimate of positions. Difficulty rating: 2/5 He's working the hardest but you've got to keep in sync with him. Fun rating: 3/5 You'll have really fast and thrilling sex that will leave both your hearts racing. You say: 'It's not the most romantic, but for G-spot stimulation, 'doggy-style' and this position are the best'
Melody Maker
Great for... A mindblowing orgasm How does it work? This
one's a bit more tricky than normal and you'll probably need a small
footstool or comfy chair. Sit on the chair sideways and lean backwards
so your head is pointing downwards.Now get your fella to kneel between
your legs and enter you. You may find it helps if you hold hands so that
he can support you The turn-ons: Having your head pointing down means that you'll get an amazing rush of blood, especially when you reach orgasm. The turn-offs: It can feel a bit odd at first and you may not be able to stay there too long Difficulty rating: 3/5 Not that difficult once you get used to it, but the initial leaning back can be tricky. Fun rating: 5/5 The strength of the orgasm makes this one a real firecracker! You say: 'Woah - can't thank you enough for this one '
The Man Trap
Great for... Orgasmic, week-night sex, when you've not got the energy to really go for it. How does it work? We're
all for banning the missionary position on goodtoknow, but we have to
admit this one's not too far off. You lie on the bed and he gets on top
of you. He then thrusts in and out but while doing so, you wrap your
legs around his.It gives you a bit more power to control his speed and
rhythm and if you arch your back slightly, you'll really start to feel
the benefits. The turn-ons: He
gets to do his stuff but he'll get aroused by your legs entwining
around him. The feeling of him rubbing against you should also give you a
really powerful orgasm. The turn-offs: If
you're trying to break away from him-on-top, you-on-bottom sex then
this is maybe not that different. But there's no harm in easing yourself
into some of the more adventurous moves. Difficulty rating: 1/5 All you have to do is lie there and catch him in your man-trap! Fun rating: 2/5 An oldie, but a goodie.
Hit the Spot
Great for... Hitting a woman's G-spot How does it work? The
woman lies on her stomach with her hips swivelled sideways and her legs
bent. Now the man kneels between his partner's legs and leans forwards
with his arms on either side of her. Now it's up to the man to do the
work. The turn-ons: As its name suggests, this position is designed to hit your G-spot - that's good enough for us! The turn-offs: Some women might not enjoy being face down and not able to look at their fella. You say: 'Wow - I'm getting excited just thinking about this position'
Magic Bullet
Great for... Hitting your G-spot. How does it work?
Lie face up on the bed with your legs straight up in the air. Your man
kneels on the bed behind you, holds onto your legs for leverage and
thrusts! The turn-ons:
With one hand he can push your legs together so he feels fuller inside
you and with the other he can touch you wherever he likes. The turn-offs: Your legs can get a bit achey.
Difficulty rating: 2/5 Another position for lazy girls, but it will give your legs a bit of a stretch. Fun rating: 2/5 It's good, but some of you might like to be a bit more involved You say: 'Phew - I thought this would be a bit tricky, but we both found it easy. 9/10 for us'
The Slippery Nipple
Great for... Those days when you don't have the energy to really go for it. How does it work?
He sits upright and you lie flat out on your back. You then put your
legs round him and shuffle on. He does all the work - you just have to
lie back and enjoy yourself! The turn-ons: He has his hands free so he can caress your breasts, or whatever he likes. The turn-offs: Not so good if you like to take control. Difficulty rating: 1/5 Definitely a position for gym-o-phobes! Fun rating: 3/5 He does the strenuous stuff, you get all the attention - sounds good to us! You say: 'Great fun and it gives you a flat stomach!'
Reverse cowgirl
Great for... Hitting that magic G-spot. How does it work? Well,
it's sort of a cross between doggy-style and the classic Woman-On-Top
position. Your man lies flat on the bed with his legs hanging over the
edge.You climb on top of your man but face away from him and lean
forward with your arms, resting on his knees or thighs. Angle his penis
downwards slightly and let him enter you. Then rock back and forth for
an incredible, G-spot-hitting sensation. The turn-ons: You
control the speed, angle and movement and if you enjoy watching
yourself having sex in the mirror, this position will give you the best
view. The turn-offs: Not so much physical contact. Difficulty rating: 2/5 You should pick it up very quickly and can tailor it to your fitness. Fun rating: 5/5 Your man will go wild for this and you'll feel like the sexiest woman alive! You say: 'I always try this one at the start'
Tight Squeeze
Great for... Spur-of-the-moment sex How does it work? Although
this position can just about be done on the bed, it probably works
better in a more spontaneous location, such as a table, kitchen work
surface, chair, desk... if you get our meaning. The woman sits on the
surface with her legs wrapped around the man's waist and squeezing him.
The man stands facing the woman and she can wrap her arms around his
back to keep herself upright. The turn-ons:This
works well for spur-of-the-moment sex, and can be done in quite a small
space - that should be enough of a turn-on, if that's why you're trying
it. The turn-offs: You probably need to be quite fit to keep this up for longer than a few minutes. You say: 'Me and my boyfriend did one similar to this. He did all the work, I just laid back and enjoyed it!'
Lust and Thrust
Great for... Close-up contact How does it work?The
woman is lying on her back on the edge of bed, using her forearms to
support her weight, with her legs dangling down. The man now stands in
front of her, leaning forwards with his hands beside her hips and, as
the name suggests, thrusts. The turn-ons: As the woman, you get to do minimal work, enjoy the view and stimulate yourself at the same time if you can balance on one arm. The turn-offs:Your fella's stamina could be a factor - but then it might be good for him! You say:
'I think it's one of the best. The penetration was deep and the feeling
was great - I hadn't thought of anything like it before.'
Happy Anniversary
Great for... Both of you How does it work? Get
the man to lay down on the bed with his bum on the end of the bed and
his feet resting on the floor. Now climb on top like with your legs
either side and slide down onto him. You are now in control, although he
can use his legs to keep the rhythm going. The turn-ons...You should like it because you're in charge and he'll love being able to lie back and enjoy the view. The turn-offs... Some women find that the deep penetration can hurt if their partner is quite large. You say: 'I get an orgasm just thinking about it'
Half off the bed
Great for... Hitting your G spot
does it work? You simply lie on your bed, with your legs on the floor.
He stands up and enters you, while you hook your legs round his legs
ors, if you can manage it, round his waist. He then does all the work,
thrusting into you. The turn-ons You get to lie back and do nothing 'and' your G-spot should get a tickling. The turn-offs If your fella isn't fit enough, this might have to stop before it's begun, as it takes a fair bit of stamina. You say: 'Works like a charm'
The Organ Grinder
Great for... Deep penetration. How does it work?
You lie on the bed with your legs apart and raise them up in the air.
Your man kneels in front of you and leans forward in between your legs.
He then thrusts back and forth and you keep your legs up in front of his
arms. The turn ons: This positions allows your man to penetrate you deeply and is another great angle for hitting your g-spot. The turn offs: You have to keep your legs up, which can start to ache after a while. Difficulty rating: 3/5 If you can bare the leg strain, it's a piece of cake! Fun rating: 4/5 Definitely up there with the best of them. You say: 'I really like this one. It hits my G-spot every time'
Carpet burn
Great for... Energetic sex How does it work?
The man kneels down and then brings one leg up in front of him and
places it flat on the floor in front of him. Then you kneel in front of
him and onto him, grabbing his thigh in one hand and his bum in the
other. You can then both thrust into each other like there's no
tomorrow. The turn-ons This
is great for spontaneous sex, because all you need is the floor, so try
it if you get in the mood - or bored, of course - when you're watching
TV. The turn-offs If you're not careful you are likely to burn your knees, so put down a cushion or towel before you start. You say: 'I'm so in love with this position!'
Kneel and Sit
Great for... Being in control How does it work? Get
your man to kneel down on the bed. Now sit on his lap with legs either
side of his body and slide onto him. Now you can move and wriggle away
to your heart's desire and control the speed and penetration. The turn-ons: Not only are you in control, but he's in perfect position to play with your breasts and nipples. The turn-offs: Your partner mind find his legs go to sleep after a while, so don't spend hours in this position You say: 'J'aime le sex'
The Wraparound
Great for... Female orgasm How does it work?The
man sits on the bed, with his legs outstretched. Then you climb on top
of him, and wrap your legs round behind his back, while he pulls you
towards him. Then you move up and down at a speed to suit you. The turn-ons: You
get very deep penetration and are able to kiss throughout. He also has
easy access to your breasts which he'll love - and so will you if he
makes the most of it! The turn-offs: You have to do most of the work so you might get worn out quickly. You say: 'Love this position. Hits the spot everytime. EXCELLENT!'
Lap Love
Great for... Hitting your G-spot How does it work?
Get the man to sit on the bed with his legs out in front of him. Now
sit on his lap facing him with your legs either side of his body. Now
you can rock together and should slowly reach orgasm simultaneously. The turn-ons: You should like it, because it gives deep penetration and you should get a really powerful orgasm. The turn-offs: Some men lose feeling in their legs, if you do this for too long. You say:
'I just tried this position with my fiance and we both enjoyed it...
usually our sex routine is the same old boring stuff but tonight
completely changed it for us!'
TV Dinner
Great for... Oral pleasure for you and fast sex How does it work?
Sit on a chair or your sofa and scoot forward so you're sitting fairly
close to the edge. Now get your fella to kneel in front of you between
your legs and slowly slide into you. Now he can grab your thighs and you
can pull him onto you by his waist or bum. Things can get very fast and
furious very quickly. The turn-ons You should like it, because he can use his mouth on you first, before you reach a fast, powerful orgasm together. The turn-offs You may need to wriggle around a bit to make sure you're both in the right position You say: 'OMG that was awesome! Truly the ideal position for me and my not-so-fit-man!
On the Stairs
Great for... Spontaneous sex How does it work?You
sit on the stairs and rest your back up against the wall. Get your
fella to stand in front of you, but with his feet a few steps further
down than you. You should now lift your outer leg up and rest it against
his body, as he slides into you. Now you can push away from the wall
into him and he can use the stairs and your leg to push on and into you. The turn-ons:
If you're doing it on the stairs, you should already be pretty turned
on, so this is a great position to reach a fast, simultaneous orgasm. The turn-offs: No matter how well carpeted your stairs are, this can become uncomfortable, so don't hang about. You say: 'It was good until my sister came home and saw us!'
The Cat
Great for... Female orgasm - great for women who don't usually come during sex. How does The Cat work?
The man lies on top in the same way as the normal missionary position
and enters the woman, but then he moves his body up the woman slowly,
until he's as high as he can get without hurting himself. Then, instead
of thrusting, he grinds into you slowly in small circles. This is great
for the woman, because her clitoris is being stimulated by the base of
his penis.This position is also known as the Coital Alignment Technique (
where the cat name comes from) and is recommended by lots of sex
experts, including our own Christine Webber! The turn-ons
It's almost guaranteed to give a woman a very deep, satisfying
orgasm.The turn-offsIt relies on the man keeping up this slow movements
and, let's face it, we know he wants to move far more energetically than
that normally. You say: 'Everyone's going crazy for this sex position! Apparently it was on TV in the US as the best position for an orgasm...'
The Bridge
Great for... Your fella How does it work?
You start by sitting on him and then, using your hands to steady
yourself, you lift one leg over your body and turn sideways. Give a few
thrusts in between and then keep turning until your facing away from
him. The turn-ons He gets a unique corkscrew sensation and you get to be in control, which is always more fun, we think. The turn-offs It can actually be quite tricky to move around over the man's legs You say: 'Looks so good, I'm gonna try it tonight.'
Legs on Shoulders
Great for... The more flexible woman How does it work? You simply lie on your back and he kneels between your legs. Then you simply lift your legs onto his shoulders. The turn-ons: He can touch you everywhere and you can move at whatever speed you want. The turn-offs: You
have to be able to get your legs up there and then you don't really do
much, because otherwise it might stretch you too much. You say: This is the best position we have tried so far
Dirty Dancing
Great for... Both of you How does it work? Forget
about the bedroom, this position can be done almost anywhere. And if
you need more support you can do it on a desk or other solid surface.The
man needs to lean back on a wall facing the woman, holding her. The
woman straddles the man and can use one leg hooked around his legs or
hips for balance. Both of you rock together rather than just the man
thrusting. The turn-ons:
He gets great access to your boobs, you'll both feel really close and
you can control how deep he goes and how much clitoral stimulation you
get. Plus, this is a great position for a quickie. The turn-offs:
He needs to keep steady and have something strong to lean against or
hold on to. If you're very different heights one of you may need
something to stand on or hold on to.
Back Bend
Great for... Your fella How does it work? Lie
on the bed with your legs over the edge and shift forward till your bum
is also off the end. Now get your man to kneel in front of you and
penetrate you. Now you need to push up on your toes and get arch your
back and get him to hold your bum and begin to thrust. Standing on your
toes will heighten your orgasm. The turn-ons: You should like it, because not only do you have very little to do, but he should hit your G-spot. The turn-offs: He may find that it's a little tiring, so make sure you're both very turned on before your start. You say: 'Muy bueno!'
The High Dive
Great for... A more powerful orgasm How does it work? Anywhere
horizontal is good for this position, although you may find the floor
better as it gives a more solid base to lie on. Start off by getting
into the traditional 'woman-on-top' style (in fact, you might want to
start off having sex in this position to get you going). Make sure your
hands balance you by placing them on the floor either side of your man
so you can gradually ease your legs out straight over his, hooking your
toes on top of his feet to keep your legs out straight and secured - all
the while ensuring that his penis stays inside you.With your hands on
the floor to either side of his chest, get your man to put his hands
under yours and then support your weight and balance while you both
bring your hands in to your elbows. Then lift your chest and stomach up
and off of him.Now move up and down at a speed that suits you - this is a
great one for controlling your orgasm. Make sure you keep your legs
straight, thighs taut and toes pressed against his feet - in theory this
will give you a much stronger orgasm! The turn-ons: Good for more intimate sex with a fun twist as you get to look into each other eyes. Plus, he gets a great view of your breasts.
turn-offs: Both of you may find your arms might get tired from trying
to support your upper body weight. He'll be able to thrust but not much
else. Difficulty rating: 2/5 It might take a little manoeuvring to start but then it's plain sailing. Fun rating: 3/5 It's a slow burner but worth the build up! You say: Phenomenal! Explosive! Amazing orgasm!
The Shoulder Stand
Great for... You - You'll get deep penetration and an amazing orgasm. How does it work? You
lie on your back and he kneels in front you. Wrap you legs around him
and let him lift you up so he can enter you. He supports you with one
arm under your back while you put the weight on your shoulders, as he
thrusts in and out of you. The turn ons: This position's all about you. By arching your back, he's more likely to hit your G-spot and give you a brilliant orgasm. The turn offs: He is holding some of your weight, so depending on the size of his biceps, he might get a little tired and have to put you down. Difficulty rating: 3/5 He needs to be strong enough to hold you till you climax. Fun rating: 4/5 You'll be trying to arch your back in every position once you've tried this.